Are you an eBay seller who is frustrated because you aren't making the kind of money you had hoped to earn from eBay? Well, I have the perfect answer for you: Get eBay support for free on the internet.
You may not realize it, but eBay sellers for the most part, are a great group of people who are very happy to help other ebay sellers out by answering questions and making suggestions as to help you be a better eBay seller.
eBay Sellers on Youtube
I have been an eBay seller for eight years now. When I first started I didn't know anyone else that sold on eBay. But I met someone at a writer's site that coached me. I started selling a lot more with his help. Then he suggested I start following some people on YouTube that are very successful eBay sellers. So I did, and wow, what an amazing amount of information I received by following those people. Three of my favorites to follow on Youtube are Raiken Profit, Suzanne A. Wells and States Place.
eBay Sellers on Facebook
From some of those people on Youtube, I learned about some Facebook groups. eBay Facebook groups are free to join and people in these groups can ask each other questions, and offer each other support and suggestions. One of my favorite things about these facebook groups is they often post BOLO (be on the lookout) items that they have found and recently sold for great prices. My favorite Facebook eBay groups to join are: ebay selling basics nothing but ebay basics and Camp eBay. Suzanne A. Wells has a nice facebook page dedicated to eBay sellers under her name and she posts items people paid very little for and sold for a nice profit on eBay.
eBay Sellers on Instagram
I recently have been having fun on Instagram as well. When I was looking for people to follow on Instagram, I decided to try to find some people that were selling on eBay and follow them. Searching for people to follow on Instagram is easy because all you have to do is fill in words on the top search bar. Words like "eBay," "thrifter," "thrifting," and "reseller" will bring up many others who are also selling on eBay. You can click on their profiles and see if they are eBay sellers. I have found that it is much better to follow Instagrammers who have more than just a few posts on their profile page. You can learn more from those who have been selling for awhile and are active on Instagram. These frequent posters often post great finds from thrift stores so that you get ideas of things to look for when you are out thrifting for eBay. I find following eBay sellers on Instagram very motivating because they often post encouraging phrases that helps keep us all motivated. I also recommend following States Place on Instagram well.
Some of the Instagram eBay sellers also sell on Posh and Mercari, so if you are interested in either of those, Instagram is the place to be to learn from each other and encourage each other in terms of selling online.
Okay, I have given you MY recommendations for people to follow on social media to help you make more money on eBay. Do you know of someone I forgot? Please post their name in the comments below so we can all learn more, and earn more on eBay!
And if you are just getting started selling on eBay, I just gave you a lot of ideas of people to follow and learn from. You can also head over to this post I wrote awhile ago about how to get started selling on eBay if you are new to the whole eBay thing.;postID=61826045
Happy Selling!