I have been selling items on eBay since 2010, and have been a serious seller since 2012. I am therefore embarrassed to admit to you that I have only recently discovered how to edit photos on eBay. I follow an expert eBay seller on YouTube, and was reading a blog entry of hers about two weeks ago. One of her tips was to edit the photos of your eBay items. For some reason, I had never discovered that eBay photos are able to be edited.
Some of you reading this probably already knew about the editing function on your eBay listings, but this post is for those of you who don't know.
In order to edit your photos on eBay, as you load your pictures onto your item's listing, look under the photo just after it is uploaded and shows up in the large frame on the left. Underneath that picture, you will see a series of symbols. I can't seem to print the screen on my computer so this picture below is the best I can do.
Underneath each photo in that left-hand position, you will see a series of symbols. The first one on the left is to crop the picture so you can show a closer view. The second one with the arrow allows you to rotate the photo. The one in the middle that looks like the sun is to adjust the brightness and contrast. The next one, that looks like a triangle is to sharpen the photo and bright it more into focus. And the last symbol is for auto adjust.
I have a lot of fun editing my photos now that I have discovered these options. And I have noticed many of the items I have cropped and made brighter have actually sold fairly quickly after I did so.
If you already knew how to crop your eBay photos, that's great. And if not, come back and leave a comment below as to how much quicker your items have sold once you learned how to edit them.